The Abeita Consulting Group, LLC

Meet Coyote’s Beloved Global Family of Real-Life Superhero

The Abeita Consulting Group, LLC. is a global community turned family of adult and youth international (Madagascar, Indonesia, Puerto Rican, Kenya, Kazakhstan and Tibet/China), national (United States), tribal (Isleta, Laguna, Acoma, and Diné), and local (New Mexico) academics, subject matter experts (SMEs), artists, professionals, politicians, activists, advocates, researchers, educators, and community organizers. Together, we engage in community outreach, provide professional services, and have taken up the mantles of leadership around the world.

Our ACG Community Elders

Rosalee Ann Lucero, Pueblo of Isleta, Community Elder and Educator

Lynn Conner, Pueblo of Isleta, Community Elder, Educational Advocate, University of New Mexico

Our ACG Family of Consultants

Dre Abeita, Coyote Walking, Real Life Isleta Pueblo Superhero, Two-Spirited Warrior, CEO/Founder, Abeita Consulting Group, LLC., CEO/Co-Founder, Abeita-Sherer Community Foundation, Coyote, Coyote’s Lodge: House of Spirituality, Critical Race Theory, and Medical Marijuana, Creator, Producer & Co-Host of REZilientNM and Creator, Producer, & Co-Host of DivergentNM

Rijasoa Andriamanana Josoa, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Ecole des Langues Commerciales Internationales University of Mahajanga Madagascar

Neritza Diaz-Cruz, Doctoral Candidate, University of New Mexico

Liah Rosdiani Nasution, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Padangsidimpuan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Neil Sherer, Blackfeet Nation, Senior Electrical Engineer, Bridgers & Paxton

Kyla Charlee, Diné, COO, Abeita Consulting Group, LLC., Electrical Engineer, PNM, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Carolynn Fincke, Volunteer, Abeita Consulting Group, LLC.

Todd Hale, Social Work BSW. Veteran, Social Justice Advocate

Peter Mwangi, Ph.D., University of New Mexico

Gulnara Kussainova, Doctoral Candidate, University of New Mexico

Jenny Zhen Zu, Doctoral Candidate, University of New Mexico


Each consultant is an independent resource. Please email to be connected with one of our experts.